NYTimes Doing Something about their Retards
Apparently the stable of typewriter-chained Corkys maintained by the Sulzberger family is becoming something of an embarrassment. NYTimes Ombudsman/part-time-censor Byron Calame writes the following after the Times publishes a ridiculous story purporting that the majority of women in the US are living single for the first time ever!....after including 15 year olds in their data:
It was discouraging to find yet another article with an unusual angle that
didn’t seem to encounter many skeptical editors as it made its way to the front
As a result:
In the wake of this controversy, Bill Keller, the executive editor, has decided
to meet with staffers with expertise in statistics and demographics to create a
“vetting network to help with the editing of articles dealing with those
subjects,” Craig R. Whitney, an assistant managing editor and the standards
editor, said Thursday.
Translation: Tard handlers.
If only Reuters and AP followed suit…
UPDATE: Uh oh! Looks like someone didn't get their snack pack...
Those bastards. I read that story with much interest.
The womyn haven’t cast off our paternalistic shackles quite yet however happy that would make the Radcliffe grads at the Times.
Stupid math...
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