

The “B” is for Bias

If you’ve recently visited Drudge you’ve probably seen this memo from ABCNews’ political director essentially saying that it will essentially be ABCNews’ official policy not to "reflexively and artificially hold both sides 'equally' accountable" because "the current Bush attacks on Kerry involve distortions and taking things out of context in a way that goes beyond what Kerry has done…". This pretty much confirms what I’ve been saying for the last 10 months, that the MSM has decided that Kerry’s going to get a pass and that the media’s critical eye will be unblinkingly fixed to the Bush administration. From Evan Thomas, the Assistant Managing Editor of Newsweek admitting “the media wants Kerry to win and so they’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic” in July to the CBS memo controversy we’ve seen an unprecedented decline in the editorial integrity of mainstream news sources. It’s incredibly frustrating to me that the news most people receive is becoming a less accurate portrayal of reality and more a reflection of the desires of poorly educated, idealistic journalism majors from the 60’s.

1 comment:

Joe said...

I've seen Mark Halperin, the supposed author of this memo, on the Charlie Rose show at least once a week for the last several months. On that show at least, he is very objective and fair. He's also really intelligent and really funny.
I noticed that you did not actually comment on the content of this memo. I'm not sure what he is referring to exactly, but theoretically at least, he makes a perfectly valid point. If Bush calls Kerry a child molester, for instance, while Kerry accuses Bush of liking strawberry rather than rasberry jam, the media isn't obligated to treat both distortions equally. I don't think you have any reason to paint this as liberal bias when you don't know what Halperin is referring to.
The media wants Kerry to win? That's ridiculous. If they're hard on Bush, it's because Bush treats them like shit. Also, Bush is a pretty lousy president and has made many, many mistakes. It's their JOB to call him out on those mistakes.
I saw Edwards on all three Sunday morning network shows this morning, and they all gave him a hard time about the Iraq inconsistancies, which are real. I'll believe the media is biased when both sides stop complaining equally. If the right thinks there's a liberal bias, and the left thinks there's a conservative, corporate bias, then chances are, the media's doing its job.