
NYTimes Doing Something about their Retards

Apparently the stable of typewriter-chained Corkys maintained by the Sulzberger family is becoming something of an embarrassment. NYTimes Ombudsman/part-time-censor Byron Calame writes the following after the Times publishes a ridiculous story purporting that the majority of women in the US are living single for the first time ever!....after including 15 year olds in their data:

It was discouraging to find yet another article with an unusual angle that
didn’t seem to encounter many skeptical editors as it made its way to the front

As a result:

In the wake of this controversy, Bill Keller, the executive editor, has decided
to meet with staffers with expertise in statistics and demographics to create a
“vetting network to help with the editing of articles dealing with those
subjects,” Craig R. Whitney, an assistant managing editor and the standards
editor, said Thursday.

Translation: Tard handlers.

If only Reuters and AP followed suit…

UPDATE: Uh oh! Looks like someone didn't get their snack pack...


Joe said...

Those bastards. I read that story with much interest.

Anonymous said...

The womyn haven’t cast off our paternalistic shackles quite yet however happy that would make the Radcliffe grads at the Times.

Stupid math...